Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Projects among Projects...dealing with chaos

Good Morning!!!

Well, here is the state of things around my house this week...(today is day 3)

Day 1: brought a wonderful feeling of relaxation.  For the first time ever, someone else was painting my house other than me. I curled up with some magazines and a cup of tea after work and enjoyed my house becoming beautiful without lifting a finger.

Day 2: 6am-3pm- Still enjoying the sounds of the Latin music that has filled my home this week. The plastic that blocks each area of chaos makes it easier to ignore the mess, and I am loving the results of the paint!!

3:01pm on Day 2: I'm done with work, I can't cook cause my kitchen is off limits, its freezing outside so I don't want to take a what does a "hiper,  decorating obsessed women do while someone else is doing a project for her in her home??....she moves on to the next project! :)

           Painting picture frames for my gallery wall!

One day after I tell my wonderful painter Felix that it's so nice to not have to paint...he walks around the corner of the foyer and there I am painting frames and dancing to this Latin mix like Salma Hayek in "Fools Rush In"   

Before- (I have another gallery wall on the adjacent wall with all black frames, so I needed to lighten it up a bit)

After: Love!

Day 3: (Today)...I have eaten out for 2 days straight, my dogs have been in their crates for 2 days straight,  my kids have been playing and sleeping in the media room (which now has a "boy" smell..anyone with boys knows this smell..."toots, dirt and feet") for 2 days straight.


  As much as I love my new found friend Felix the painter...I will the words of Duck Dynasty..." happy, happy, happy" when I get my home put back together!

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